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Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings slide 1
QTC006 Arrow Head Quarter Turn Cam
QTS121 Arrow Head Quarter Turn Stud - Wing Head - Textured
QTS122 Arrow Head Quarter Turn Stud - Wing Head - Smooth
QTS123 Arrow Head Quarter Turn Stud - Slotted Head
QTW040w Arrow Head Quarter Turn Washer


Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings slide 1
Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings slide 2
Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings slide 3
Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings slide 4
Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings slide 5
Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings slide 6

Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings

These Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fasteners are ideal for use where a quick-release, reusable fastening is required and the Studs are available in various head styles depending on function and preference and assembly is by hand or a screwdriver.

The Quarter Turn Stud is part of a three-piece set, comprising of a Stud, Washer and Cam. The Stud is selected according to the overall thickness of both panels - ensuring that the top panel is no thicker than 3.5mm - and the Cam is selected according to the base panel thickness. The Washer, if required, is used to retain the stud in the top panel. The Washer can also be used where there is a small amount of space between the panel and the stud elbow to ensure the fit is secure. The Washer can be positioned on either side of the panel or carpet being secured.

A quarter turn of the stud closes and releases the assembly so that access can be gained as required.

All parts are ordered separately.

Typical applications include motor vehicles - to fasten carpets over spare wheels/jack storage area and for access to panels under the bonnet or dashboard, ventilators, heaters and domestic appliances.

Materials - Nylon, Acetal
Typical Colour - Black
For more information contact us 01623 788 400 Enquire

Drawings and images are for reference only and should not be used for product specification. For new applications we recommend that you carry out assembly tests using samples supplied by us.

Dimension guide

Click the thumbnail to enlarge
Arrow Head Quarter Turn Fixings dimension guide


PLEASE NOTE - To view all product variations/specification, please scroll the table below from left to right

Code Description PRICE PRICE
QTS123-BLK Quarter Turn Stud £18.61
No. of packs Pack price
1+ £18.61
10+ £12.94
25+ £11.16
50+ £8.30
100+ £6.68
250+ £5.93
500+ £5.60
100 Buy Request sample
QTS124-BLK Quarter Turn Stud £22.50
No. of packs Pack price
1+ £22.50
10+ £18.79
25+ £15.66
50+ £13.97
100+ £11.94
250+ £10.60
500+ £9.99
100 Buy Request sample
QTC006-BLK Quarter Turn Cam £31.33
No. of packs Pack price
1+ £31.33
10+ £21.77
25+ £18.49
50+ £14.56
100+ £10.99
100 Buy Request sample
QTW040-BLK Quarter Turn Washer £17.63
No. of packs Pack price
1+ £17.63
10+ £14.57
25+ £10.64
50+ £7.64
100+ £6.69
250+ £5.79
500+ £4.47
100 Buy Request sample
D P P1 L W T Type Finish
7.6 - 8.4 19.6 Slotted Head Colour Black
7.6 - 8.4 20.0 Wing Head - Smooth Colour Black
- - 2.0 - 12.6 x 12.6 - - Colour Black
20.3 - - - - 1.5 - Colour Black

All dimensions are mm unless specified.

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